Freedom From Psoriasis
Start Your Freedom Now
Freedom Journey Has These Five Parts
Psoriasis Freedom Blueprint
Freedom Lifestyle DETOX
Psoriasis Freedom Challenge
Access To Weekly Community Call
Access To One to One Calls
Psoriasis Freedom Blueprint
Streaming Video or Instant Access
Start learning this powerful new program that has proven to be the most effective way to learn The Freedom From Psoriasis right now, from the comfort of your home or office !
1. Psoriasis Freedom Blueprint:
3 Days Course
This will Help Build Your Own Freedom Lifestyle
Day 1:
Video 1: Building block of a Freedom Lifestyle
It wasn’t until I was fully covered with psoriasis and wanted to quit (yes, quit) that I finally started to get results. If you are frustrated and have reached a point where you MUST find a solution, my story will help you understand why I know exactly what you’re going through—and more importantly, how you can begin solving the problem.
Video 2: Self Discovery Process to Attaining FREEDOM
How to Self Discover yourself , understand self and understand affirmations and De cluttering of the Mind. Your body uses mind to protect you, and even though you’re currently not threatened by freezing temperatures, your mind Programs still get activated by dozens of stimuli that can be avoided, removed, or counteracted effectively once you identify and address them.
Video 3: How to Set your intentions & Proven Goal Setting Formula
Intention is the Key, unless your intention is not clear why you want to get of Psoriasis then the process will be slow and Goals are not only Financial Goals, you need to Psoriasis Freedom Goals too
Day 2:
Video 1 : Top 5 Skills to Master the FREEDOM
Video 2: Eye Opener Skin Concept
Video 3: Super Powerful GUT Concepts
Video 4: Powerful Concept of Scalp and how to reach it
Some of the most successful Freedom From Psoriasis students (experiencing massive results) only address the emotional triggers in their life—nothing else—and the Psoriasis comes off naturally.
Day 3:
Stress often trigger Psoriasis. This is not news to you. What is news it that the GUT is getting stressed and not the mind. Once you understand your biology, you’ll understand why the Dermo industry is so hopeless and why, until now, it’s been so challenging to get from From Psoriasis.
Video 2 : Diet & Lifestyles
The age old saying goes, "You are what you eat." But this is only a half truth. You are what you eat AND what you assimilate. If you are unable to assimilate the nutrients you are eating, you can be overeating and starving at the same time. That’s why you’re hungry even after a meal. That’s why you have cravings even when you’re full.
NOTE: Some of the most successful Freedom From Psoriasis students (experiencing massive results) only address the emotional triggers in their life—nothing else—and the Psoriasis comes off naturally.
Video3: Connecting The Dots
Freedom Lifestyle DETOX Program
Streaming Video or Instant Access
Start learning this powerful new program that has proven to be the most effective way to learn The Freedom From Psoriasis right now, from the comfort of your home or office !
5 Sessions Videos
A Full Guide to your Detox Process
A details Day-wise Program
How to Cure it from the Root
Beyond fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and micro-nutrients, your body needs one crucial nutrient that is often overlooked—vitality! Vitality comes from electrically-charged, living foods, mind-body practices, loving relationships, and living with a purpose. When you tap into vital living, Psoriasis Free's away naturally.
Activating Self Healing Power
Just as your body uses fat to protect you from cold weather, famine and perceived threats, it also uses fat to protect you from chemical and environmental toxins. Your body will do anything it can to keep you safe. So when you take in more toxins than you eliminate, your body quickly stores those toxins in your fat cells to "quarantine" them and keep them out of circulation. In this way, a toxic lifestyle can trigger chronic ailments through exposure to chemical pollutants, medications, food additives, pesticides, and dozens of other potentially harmful compounds. Release the toxins, release Psoriasis.
What Rituals to Follow
The 5 Step Method
Transforming yourself and creating a new body and skin is a simple process of collecting positive habits over time. You’ll create a very simple plan-of-action for moving from where you are now to where you’d like to be.
Freedom Challenge
The Ultimate Thing You Would Need For The Freedom
A Practical Hand Holding Sessions
Your conscious and subconscious beliefs can contribute to your body’s desire to have toxin and or release. Here, you’ll learn how to take control of your mind using specific tools to put you in a receptive state for change and transformation.
Some of the most successful people in history regularly used visualization to communicate with their unconscious minds. This practice enables you to make huge changes in your body and life. In the Freedom From Psoriasis Program, you’ll learn how to use very specific visualizations to program yourself for success, and you’ll be amazed at just how powerful they can be in transforming your life.
Every Thursday @ 7PM
All members in the Program Come together
We Have Q&A Session
We Discuss and Share new Winning Methods
2 Session’s in 1st Month
1 Session Every month
121 Call With Me
We Discuss Your Situation and Device a Plan of action
This Brings Back The Lost Confidence
Bonus 1
121 Calls
INR 11,998
This will Help Recollect Your Confidence
You Discuss with me Your situation
Brings In the Lost Confidence
Bonus 2
Inner Circle Vault
INR 10,000
All of our Every Thursday calls Recordings of the 2 years. Its Like a Gold Mine to go and check what worked and how once came over it
VISUALIZATION: Guided Audio& Visual Practice
In addition to watching just one of the video book modules each day, I want you to listen to some evening visualization program every night before bed.
What if you fall asleep? That’s great.
How does it work? Visualization is one of the most widely-known success tools that hardly anyone uses. For Freeing Psoriasis, it’s nothing short of revolutionary for most Freedom From Psoriasis students.
Online Program | Instant Access
Everything you need to transform your body and your life using The Freedom From Psoriasis Program, the only HARD diet-free program for Getting Free From Psoriasis. Keep it simple, trust the process, and you’ll be amazed by how quickly things can change.
Psoriasis Freedom Blueprint : 13 Videos, Watch in 5 days
Freedom Lifestyle DETOX: 12 short Videos , watch in 5 days
Hand Made Herbal Medicines
Normal Price:INR 46996 ❌🚫
You will get Twelve 121 Calls with me Worth Rs. 11998
Normal Price: INR 11998 ❌🚫
You Will get Access to Inner Circle Calls Recordings Worth Rs. 10000
Normal Price: INR 10000 ❌🚫
YES! I understand I can start immediately with this program (digital delivery)
YES! I understand that this is not a quick pill or a "Get free from Psoriasis in 20 days" approach… this is a "Get free From Psoriasis and keep it off" approach that has proven successful.
Retail Package Value: Rs.58994 ❌🚫
Today You Pay Rs. 7999 and after a week you Rs. 4999 , hence TOTAL Rs.12,998
& Optional INR 9,000 For Body Psoriasis Medicines after 21 days
If you have Scalp Psoriasis also then add INR 3200 & If you have Psoriatic Arthritis also then add INR 2800
Instant Access – Start Immediately!
128 Bit Encrypted Server – SAFE Checkout
Upon Successful Payment you will receive a Welcome email instantly with all the steps to follow , like, access to the recorded courses, link to join the groups, link to book a 121 call and others, it's an important email.
& This is 100% digital product. There are no shipping charges. You will have instant access to the entire program immediately.
Only the Medicines will be shipped and for Outside Of India Medicine shipping charges will be extra.
7 Good Reasons Why You Should Listen to Me…
#1. I’ve lived through it myself. Remember I Reversed my Psoriasis and kept it free without willpower or a HARD dieting. I know what it’s like to stay with Psoriasis. Most "experts" have no idea what that’s like, they think it’s all in your DNA or that you’re being stressed, lazy or your immune system is working against you. I know that’s not the case and I prove it with my life, my research and with results.
#2. This Really Works – People who have tried to get free from Psoriasis their entire lives by going to a Dermatologist, applying all sorts creams, taking Biological injections OR dieting are now finally losing weight and keeping it off! We now have more than 50+ video interviews, we get phone calls and emails from people all over India using The Freedom From Psoriasis method who are getting tremendous results., some in 90 days some in 365 days.
#3. No Dieting Ever Again – I don’t believe in diets. I prove they don’t work and I show you exactly what does work: turning off the mind switch and getting your body and skin to want to be free from Psoriasis.
#4. I Am Here for You, Always -I’ve dedicated my entire life to helping people like you to get free from Psoriasis This program is the beginning, not the end. I have on-going free support, resources, 121 calls with you and a group community call very Thursday where I come Live and we all discuss and where you can connect with me Live. This is my life’s work, and there’s nothing I enjoy more than helping people achieve their dreams.
#5.You Get INR 11,9998 Worth of Bonus Just for Saying "Maybe" –Even if you decide this program is not for you and request a refund, you lose nothing. You keep my recordings (that you have an access) along with all the other downloads and materials just for giving it a try.
Take the Next Step…
Before I close out this letter I need to tell you about Ashu, She is another one of my "Success Stories."
Ashu from Hyderabad, India saw me on A Webinar. She was so inspired by my story, she immediately enrolled in my Program. At that time she was covered with Psoriasis all over "very severe". She went on a 121 call with me, went through all my videos and started working with my methods and the visualizations and loved it! She noticed her Psoriasis disappear in less than 45 days and…
A 15 days later, she was completely Free from Psoriasis and reversed it! This is a true story! her doctor couldn’t believe it.
She’s experienced an amazing transformation!
But this letter isn’t about Ashu. It’s about you. And I want you to imagine for a moment what your life would be like if you could resolve your Psoriasis challenges forever… what if you never had to fight those itching, face people with those red patches, worry about flares a "good days" or "bad days", struggle to find clothes that cover your Psoriasis, and feel uncomfortable in your own body anymore?
What if you could end the struggle forever? I’m living proof that it’s possible, and I’d love for you to join me…
… but the next step is up to you.
Towards Your Freedom,
Freedom From Psoriasis (FFP)
p.s. In 2017, when I was 80 % covered with Psoriasis, I pulled my car off to the side of the road and in a flash decision, I said to myself: "I don’t care what happens, I’m never going to live like this again!" I’ll never forget that moment as it was the start of what has become a completely new me.
If you’re in that same place now—fed up and determined to find a better way—I’d encourage you to take action right now.
p.p.s. Start right now. Remember, since this is a digital product, you can start immediately—no need to wait.