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Hi, I'm Anand Tadkod, aka Andy'z. I'm a Freedom Lover and a "Psoriatic turned NON Psoriatic and a Information Marketer"
I've lived a life with Psoriasis and now I'm fee of it for that I designate myself as Psoriasis Freedom Tramsformator. I’m now spreading the Freedom thru my online courses, blogs and videos. I have officially helped over 250+ in my coaching information systems who are modelling my Freedom.
Not Only Freedom From Psoriasis BUT also Financial Freedom, why Financial Freedom, as I Truly Understand the Pain Of Being With Psoriasis and Working With Psoriasis, Travelling for Work, Not having Your Freedom of Time, Space and Will & That's The Very Reason I have made available Products & Developed For One To "Live & Work From Anywhere In The World" (LWAW)
As a sought-after digital strategist now, I've worked earlier in 15+countries, travelled across 22+ countries worked on Telecom, Construction, Dairy Farming, Agriculture, F&B Retail Franchising entrepreneurial projects - just to name a few. I run a digital consultancy and have consulted over 50+ businesses across India.
I'm a responsible Son, A husband of a loving Wife, Father of a Beautiful Daughter, love and loved by my dog Brunu and I have my roots grounded in spirituality.
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